quinta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2018

20 Facts That Are As Insane As They Are Short

1. Birds don't pee.

They don't even have a urethra to do it — everything goes out the booty.
Trentgarverick / Getty Images
They don't even have a urethra to do it — everything goes out the booty.

2. Eggplants contain nicotine.

But you'd have to eat 20 pounds of them in order to get the nicotine effect of a cigarette.
Nuttakit / Getty Images
But you'd have to eat 20 pounds of them in order to get the nicotine effect of a cigarette.

3. Babies can't dream.

Neuroscientists believe dreaming starts around age 4 or 5.
Javi_indy / Getty Images
Neuroscientists believe dreaming starts around age 4 or 5.

4. Stars eat planets.

If a planet's orbit comes too close to a star...game over.
Titoonz / Getty Images
If a planet's orbit comes too close to a star...game over.

5. Fergie voiced Sally.

She's one of two dozen performers who have lent their voice to Charlie Brown's sister — her turn was in the '80s, long before she was famous for her music.
Noam Galai / Getty Images / Charles M. Schulz
She's one of two dozen performers who have lent their voice to Charlie Brown's sister — her turn was in the '80s, long before she was famous for her music.

6. Turtles masturbate.

So do walruses, porcupines, and elephants. And humans.
Mirage Studios

7. Jellyfish can evaporate.

They're 98% water, so getting washed up on the beach is bad news.
Ratikova / Getty Images
They're 98% water, so getting washed up on the beach is bad news.

8. Gold is edible.

But don't eat your gold jewelry — it's cut with lots of inedible metals.
Ktsimage / Getty Images
But don't eat your gold jewelry — it's cut with lots of inedible metals.

9. Monkeys sometimes floss.

They'll use anything from bird feathers to blades of grass to get the job done.
Filipe_lopes / Getty Images
They'll use anything from bird feathers to blades of grass to get the job done.

10. McDonald's does weddings.

According to Business Insider, a McDonald's wedding package will set you back anywhere from $373 to $1,290 — but they're only available in Hong Kong for now!
According to Business Insider, a McDonald's wedding package will set you back anywhere from $373 to $1,290 — but they're only available in Hong Kong for now!

11. Saturn rains diamonds.

Scientists estimate about a thousand tons of diamonds rain down on Saturn every year — each up to a centimeter wide. Oh, and Jupiter rains diamonds, too!
123dartist / Getty Images
Scientists estimate about a thousand tons of diamonds rain down on Saturn every year — each up to a centimeter wide. Oh, and Jupiter rains diamonds, too!

12. Dolphins name themselves.

Dolphins have unique whistles — and their fellow dolphin friends will mimic that whistle to get their attention. Dolphin researchers believe this whistle is their version of having a name.
Andrea Izzotti / Getty Images
Dolphins have unique whistles — and their fellow dolphin friends will mimic that whistle to get their attention. Dolphin researchers believe this whistle is their version of having a name.

13. Swearing relaxes people.

It might seem counterintuitive, but studies indicate that yelling a good "Fuck!" can actually calm you down.
It might seem counterintuitive, but studies indicate that yelling a good "Fuck!" can actually calm you down.

14. Mangoes get sunburns.

It ruins a lot of crops!
It ruins a lot of crops!

15. Horses can't vomit.

Their bodies simply aren't built for it. Kinda lucky!
Vikarus / Getty Images
Their bodies simply aren't built for it. Kinda lucky!

16. Avocados are berries.

While strawberries and raspberries are not.
While strawberries and raspberries are not.

17. Lighters predate matches.

The match might seem like more primitive technology, but it actually was invented three years after the lighter.
vitsirisukodom / josiephos / Getty
The match might seem like more primitive technology, but it actually was invented three years after the lighter.

18. Sharks predate trees.

For about 50 million years, the world had sharks and no trees.
lindsay_imagery / Olegkalina / Getty
For about 50 million years, the world had sharks and no trees.

19. Wombats poop cubes.

Twitter: @EmmaBowers
Wombats mark their territory with poop, and these little cubes stay in place better than your typical cylindrical shits.

20. Blood contains gold.

But before you get too excited: Most bodies contain just 0.2 milligrams of it. So don't quit your day job!
Ilexx / Getty Images
But before you get too excited: Most bodies contain just 0.2 milligrams of it. So don't quit your day job!

20 Facts That Are As Insane As They Are Short

1.   Birds don't pee. Trentgarverick / Getty Images They don't even  have a urethra  to do it — everything goes out...